Tuesday, April 15, 2008

It's that time of the year.

Summer is almost here, today it was about 60 but still rather chilly.
I didn't bring a jacket to school, im a genius i know.
And being that im cold blooded i died twice and shat my pants multiple times.

shat pants=bad
peed my pants= very good!!

anyways im ultra excited about riding around on the bicycle.
and going to the sand dunes
and running around in a swimsuit... once i get skinny again.

I want icecream.

I have no deep philosophical theories or thoughts at the moment.
I hate brain farts.
I haven't thought of anything worth while in a long time
& rap seems to be a constant audio out of my speakers
I think something is wrong with me.
what isn't though?
That isn't who i am though.
I like meaningful music and artsy fartsy interesting things
I'm not any typical girl
or perhaps i just don't want to see myself as that so i try to convince myself im not.
I'm typical?!



good night.

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